

Dominik Möst
Chair of Energy Economics, TU Dresden


Steering Committee

João Tomé Saraiva (University of Porto, Portugal)

Jean-Michel Glachant (FSR and Loyola Chair, Italy)

Jorge Sousa (ISEL & INESC-ID, Portugal)

Julián Barquín (Endesa, Spain)

Marko Delimar (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

Mohammad Hesamzadeh (KTH, Sweden)

Ronnie Belmans (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)

Wladyslaw Mielczarski (TU Lodz, Poland)

Dominik Möst (TU Dresden, Germany)


Local Organizing Committee

Dominik Möst (Chair of Energy Economics, TU Dresden)

Theresa Müller(Chair of Energy Economics, TU Dresden)

Matthew Schmidt(Chair of Energy Economics, TU Dresden)

Samarth Kumar(Chair of Energy Economics, TU Dresden)

Mandy Bauer(Chair of Energy Economics, TU Dresden)


Scientific Reviewers

Name University/Organisation Country
Valentin Bertsch Economic and Social Research Institute Ireland
Marc-Oliver Bettzüge EWI Research Institute of Energy Economics Germany
Marita Blank OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology Germany
Thomas Bruckner University of Leipzig Germany
Christoph Brunner EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG Germany
Chris Caerts EnergyVille / VITO Belgium
Mihai Calin European Distributed Energy Resouces Laboratories e.V (DERlab) Germany
Cristina Camus ISEL/IPL Portugal
Alfonso Capozzoli Polytechnic of Turin Italy
Pantelis Capros National Technical University of Athens Greece
João Catalão Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) Portugal
Christina Chaves Faculty of Economics University of Porto (FEP) Portugal
Marta Chinnici ENEA Italy
Ndaona Chokani ETH Zürich Switzerland
Pablo Cuervo Franco University of Brasilia/Campus Universitário, Asa Norte, Faculdade de Tecnologia – FT Brazil
Antonio Del Giudice ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) Italy
Erik Delarue KU Leuven Belgium
Ivan Diaz-Rainey University of Otago New Zealand
Constantin Dierstein TU Dresden Germany
Gerard Doorman Norwegian University of Science and Technology / Statnett SF Norway
Jonas Egerer TU Berlin Germany
Pedro Faria GECAD – Polytechnic of Porto Portugal
Wolf Fichtner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Germany
Jose Nuno Fidalgo FEUP/DEEC & INESC TEC Portugal
Francisco Garcés Instituto de Energía Eléctrica-UNSJ-CONICET Argentina
Giorgio Graditi ENEA- Italian National Agency for Energy Italy
Luigi Grossi University of Verona Italy
Francesco Gulli University of Bocconi Italy
Reinhard Haas Technical Universitat Wien Austria
Samson Hadush Vlerick Business School Belgium
Leigh Hancher Tilburg University and Florence School of Regulation Netherlands and Italy
Seppo Hanninen VTT Ltd Finland
Philipp Hauser TU Dresden Germany
Fabian Hinz TU Dresden Germany
Dirk Hladik TU Dresden Germany
Hannes Hobbie TU Dresden Germany
Felix Höffler University of Cologne Germany
Hannelle Holtinten VTT Technical Research Center of Finalnd Finland
Antonio Hurtado TU Dresden Germany
Patrick Jochem Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Germany
Vladimir Katic University of Novi Sad Serbia
Dogan Keles Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
Nico Keyaerts Vlerick Business School Belgium
Evangelos Kotsakis Joint Research Centre, Directorate C:  Energy, Transport and Climate Italy
Samarth Kumar TU Dresden Germany
Joao Lagarto Lisbon Engineering Superior Institute (ISEL) Portugal
Chloé Le Coq Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) Sweden
Sebastian Lehnhoff OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology Germany
Pedro Linares Comillas Pontifical University Spain
Dietmar Lindenberger Uni Köln Germany
Arturo Lorenzoni University of Padova Italy
Carlo Lucheroni University of Camerino Italy
Wojciech Lyzwa Lodz University of Technology Poland
Fernando Maciel Barbosa FEUP and INESC TEC Portugal
Carlos Madina Tecnalia Research & Innovation Spain
Gustavo A. Marrero Unversidad de La Laguna Spain
Olivier Massol IFP School France
Christoph Mayer OFFIS e.V. – Institut für Informatik Germany
Sophie Meritet Université Paris-Dauphine France
Julia Michaelis Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI Germany
Wladyslaw Mielczarski Lodz University of Technology Poland
Gianluigi Migliavacca RSE S.p.A. Italy
Jochen Mohr Technical University Dresden Germany
Ekaterina Moiseeva KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
Dominik Möst TU Dresden Germany
Machiel Mulder  University of Groningen Netherlands
Theresa Müller TU Dresden Germany
Felix Müsgens BTU Cottbus Germany
Anna Mutule Institute of Physical Energetics Latvia
Fany Nan University of Verona Italy
Anne Neumann Universität Potsdam Germany
Pierre Noel International Institute for Strategic Studies UK
Artjoms Obushevs Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE) Latvia
Irina Oleinikova Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE) Latvia
Blazej Olek Lodz University of Technology Poland
Luis Olmos Camacho Comillas Pontifical University Spain
Jacques Percebois University de Montpellier France
Yannick Perez CentraleSupélec and Université Paris-Sud France
Juan Ignacio Perez Diaz Technical University of Madrid Spain
Yannick Phulpin EDF France
Angela Picciariello Italy
Giuseppe Prettico EC – Joint Research Centre – Dir C Energy, Transport and Climate Italy
Sergio F. Ramos ISEP – Institute of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto and GECAD Portugal
Francisco Ramos-Real Universidad de La Laguna Spain
Juan Rosellón CIDE Mexico
Alessandro Sapio Parthenope University of Naples Italy
João Saraiva Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto Portugal
Mahir Sarfati KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
Richard Scharff Vattenfall Sweden
Matthew Schmidt TU Dresden Germany
Andreas Schröder Uniper Global Commodities SE Germany
Julia Seixas Nova University of Lisbon Portugal
Tomasz Siewierski Lodz University of Technology Poland
Federico Silvestro University of Genova Italy
Daan Six EnergyVille / VITO Belgium
Waldemar Skomudek Technical Univercity of Opole Poland
Lennart Söder KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
Jorge Sousa ISEL & INESC-ID Portugal
Julio Usaola Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain
Mathias Uslar OFFIS Germany
Zita Vale ISEP; Polytechnic of Porto Portugal
Maria Valenti ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies Italy
Jose Villar Universidad Pontificia Comillas Spain
Nils-Henrik von der Fehr University of Oslo Norway
Christian von Hirschhausen Technische Universitat Berlin Germany
Christoph Weber Universität Duisberg-Essen Germany
Hannes Weigt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Basel Switzerland
Michal Wierzbowski Lodz University of Technology Poland
Alessandro Zani RSE Spa Italy
Michael Zipf TU Dresden Germany
Christoph Zöphel TU Dresden Germany